Yesterday I was watching Oprah and it was all about moms. Moms were sharing their struggles and funny things that they have done or had to do once they became a mom. One thing that really hit home with me is how you are not the same person you were before you had kids. I totally agree, just like you are not the same person you were before you got married, before you accepted Christ as your savior. It was just funny to me how some of these women really didn't know that their lives were going to change after children. I don't know what exactly they expected but any new thing in your life or new experience is going to change you. There were also funny mommy moments that made me laugh, but they also made me realize that in the grand scheme of life and being a mommy I am doing a darn good job. One mom said that she has gone 3 weeks without bathing her children, I am not sure if that is funny or just plain sad. I know we all struggle to be the best moms we can be.
After watching this episode of Oprah, I thought I would share how my life has changed in the past 5 years, since
recommiting my life to Christ, meeting my husband and having the two most beautiful children in the world. When Morgan and I first met I was kind of a wild child, I was only 20, still thinking there was too much fun out there to have before I settled down. Well after 4 months of dating this incredible guy we started talking seriously about marriage, (I know a little fast) but I make the best decisions when I don't ponder too long over them and with finding the right guy to marry I think sometimes you just know. Before we got too far into our relationship Morgan asked me if I believed in God, and my answer was of course Yes! But I was still missing something, I know as a child I had asked Jesus to come live in my heart, but I wasn't really sure what that meant at the time. At the tender age of 21, ha ha, I was sitting at
Westmark EFC during Sunday morning worship and Pastor Dave Carlson's sermon really touched my heart and I knew right then that I was going to try my best to live for Jesus. I know that I don't do this as whole
heartedly as I should, but I try my best. Since recommitting my life to Christ I have had my life richly blessed and been able to marry the man of my dreams, even though he is no prince charming.
Married life is tough, but so well worth it. I would say that being married has been exciting and fun. The biggest change is having someone else to worry about and to have them worry about you. I also think a big change for me was finding a man who truly loves me and I know will never leave me.
Children, this has probably been the biggest change and one of the biggest blessings. It is very hard to be truly selfless and think of the needs of another human being before your own. Waking up in the middle of the night and not getting all the sleep you ever wanted, but it is so worth it to me. Adding the second child to our family was another huge change for everyone. Brenna is only 2 and still really needs her Mommy and Jacob of course needs his Mommy just to meet his basic needs. I am still searching for who I am as a mother, a wife and a child of God, but I know that I am not the same person I once was and I am so happy for that. I truly believe that every event happens in our lives for a reason, we may not see it at the time, but I can look back at some events from my childhood and early adulthood that have truly shaped who I am. My children and my husband give me reason to be a better mother and wife, and a better person all the way around.
May God Bless your life in the same way you have blessed mine.