Friday, November 20, 2009

Disney on Ice: Princess Classics

On Thursday night my mom and I took Miss Brenna to see the Disney Princesses on ice. Wow was it amazing, or at least that is what Brenna thought. I probably would have enjoyed it a lot more had I not been trying to get good pictures, which I failed miserably at. When we walked into the arena Brenna's face just lit up and she almost shook with joy and amazement. The look on her face for two hours was well worth everything. She was amazed, scared, happy, surprised and filled with pure joy throughout the show. I just love watching my daughter light up when she sees something that makes her so happy and at 2 and 1/2 years old it is anything Disney Princess, especially Cinderella. So please enjoy the pictures of our wonderful time together.

1 comment:

CM said...

Love the Disney pics! How adorable.

Oh by the way, I found you over at Blog Frog. Keep on blogging!!!