Thursday, February 11, 2010

So Not a Farm Girl!

The corn field in our backyard has been home to some neighbors cows for the past month. Today my husband stops by the house before heading to town to pick up a prescription and some milk, he tells me to watch the cows and make sure that they don't get out because they were crowding around the water tank (located basically in our backyard). So, I look out a few times, nothing to interesting just cows drinking water. I jumped in the shower real quick and when I got out this was the view looking into my back yard.

Below is the front yard by the time the neighbors got here to get the cows back in.

When I called my husband to tell him the cows were out, he asked me to go out and try to keep them off the lawn, ha ha ha is all I have to say. I tried yelling at the cows, shooing at the cows, swinging my arms wildly. The cows started to move, but those darn bulls just gave me an evil look and scared me just a little, so I gave up and came in. I was not raised around cattle and my husband usually doesn't let me get anywhere near his cattle, unless I am in the pickup being very quiet. I am so not a farm girl!


Shannon said...

Holy COW that's a lot of cows!! :) Yeah I am thinking I would have been holding out in the house myself...let the professionals go get them beasts out of the yard :)

Keeslermom said...

Free fertilizer!

Momof3inVA said...

Keep the cows off the lawn?!?!?!?

Yeah, when the neighbor's pigs start flyin'!

Oh my, I would have had a cow!

I do hope you got some fertlizer out of the whole ordeal! ;)