I was just thinking today about all of the things in my life that have changed since the day my beautiful daughter Brenna was born. The many things that I have willingly given up and the many things I look forward to gaining by being a Mommy. One thing I have noticed about a lot of my single friends that are moms is that they get to choose when they want to be a Mommy. They go out and party still, they leave their children with grandparents every chance they get, or they are at their Daddy's house on weekends, so it is quite convenient for these Mommies. I just want to know where in the Mommy Handbook does it say that you still get to "Road Trip", go out and do stupid things and leave your children at the drop of a hat for something better. I am pretty sure that when I received my Mommy Handbook the most important rule was to spend quality time loving and nurturing your children and that your children are a gift from God. I understand that some mommies have to work, I worked for the first year of Brenna's life and am sad that I missed out on some major moments for her, but at least I was at work and not out partying with my friends.
Morgan and I used to go away for a weekend or go on vacation at the drop of a hat, now we take a little more time planning and even give up some fun things to do together in order to do something fun with our daughter. I just want to know how it is that my life and many other mommies that I know lives have changed with the birth of their children, but for some it just seems as though there children are burdens and shouldn't get in the way of mommy's fun. Well I can tell you one thing, my life is fun in a whole new way being a Mommy.