Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Drama Princess

Since Drama Queen is reserved for me in our house, we will refer to our first born as the Drama Princess. I rarely let you all know what little Miss Brenna is up to these days and Drama Princess kind of sums it up. Brenna will be 2 1/2 in September and is beginning to be completely over dramatic over everything, I think these are the terrible 2 and a halves. Other than being overly dramatic we have one smart cookie on our hands. Brenna knows the names and locations of almost all of her body parts, she can tell you what almost any color is (as long as it isn't one of those weird colors like aquamarine) and she knows her basic shapes (triangle, square and circle). She can also repeat anything you say, so you better keep the conversation clean when she's around.

Brenna's favorites right now:

Food: ice cream w/ Daddy

Person: Daddy or her brother Jacob (he loves her soooo much)

Thing to do: Watch "toons" while Daddy takes a shower, go swimming, or play at the park (aka our swing set in the back yard)

Question: "Where Daddy go?" or "Daddy where are you?"

Hairstyle: side ponytail

Animal: Futterfly (butterfly)

Color: Pink

Toy: Nemo ( a enormous trout shaped pillow that guess who bought her at Cabela's on our recent vacation) he sleeps in bed with her.

For the most part Brenna is truly a joy, but she does have her "princess" moments. We love her so much, we can't wait to see what kind of little lady she grows up to be. Well that should get you up to date with the happenings of the Drama Princess.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Coco Key

We left on Wednesday for a short little family vacation to Omaha. We stayed at the Embassy Suites in La Vista (they have some enormous 2 room suites great for the little ones to play in). On Thursday afternoon we headed to Coco Key Water Resort, what a fun time. I am not sure who enjoyed it more Jake or Brenna. Brenna loved being in the water, her favorite was the lazy river, she enjoyed floating around with her life jacket on. Morgan and I both thought she would like the slide in the little kids area, but she didn't even want to try it (lately she has had an aversion to any type of slide, not sure what this is about). Jacob loved sitting in the little kids pool and jumping a splashing around. He did get quite tired out though. We had a great time spending quality time with Daddy.

Break on Through

Guess whose first teeth broke through his gums this week????? I give you one guess.... okay so of course it was Jacob. We noticed in the last couple of weeks he was getting big bumps on his lower gums, but figured it would probably be awhile before anything actually erupted. Then on Monday at his 6 month (he was actually 6 1/2 months) his doctor suspected that they would be coming in soon, and needless to say they broke through in the last few days.

Speaking of Jacob's doctors appointment he now weighs 17 1/2 lbs and is 28 1/4 inches long. 55% for his weight and 96% for his height.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

6 Months

Jake is 6 months old today! Do you notice anything different about this picture??? He no longer needs his Bumbo seat to help him sit up, he can do it all by himself. What else is this handsome 6 month old up to lately you ask, well:

He rolls all over the place still, no crawling yet.

He loves to eat solid foods; cereal, fruits and veggies and Gerber puffs. He also kind of likes cheerios.

His new favorite toy is his Jumperoo.

He loves to laugh at his big sister.

Jake still hates to take naps, especially in his crib, but continues to sleep through the night most nights.

We are truly blessed by our children!