Saturday, October 10, 2009

Funny Saturday

For the past thirty minutes or so I have been trying to finish up the farm books to take to our accountant this week, since our office is in the basement my hubby was supposed to be upstairs with the kids while I finished up. My hubby came down to answer a few questions I had regarding the income, not a big deal, well he stayed downstairs a little too long. When he went back up to check on Jake, he hollered at me to hurry upstairs and what do I find when I get up there??? Jake had taken off or crawled out of his diaper (not exactly sure how it happened, we received some "White Cloud" diapers as a shower gift and I decided to put them on him today to get them used. He usually wears "Pampers" and has never gotten them off, even when his is only in a diaper) and he had pooped on the living room floor. I just started laughing so hard, I didn't even know what to do other than to get the mess cleaned up. Jake had gotten a handful of his poop and decided to see what it tasted like. I am still laughing right now thinking about this, just too funny and disgusting all at the same time. Needless to say Jake got a much needed bath and we will not be using this brand of diapers again.

1 comment:

Twincerely,Olga said...

Just stopping by! Oh no thats funny! Beautiful blog!