Monday, July 21, 2008


We have finally begun to get settled in our new home, except for Miss Brenna when it comes to sleeping at night. She loves all the space we now have to run and push her shopping cart around the house. The bedtime things has got to change though, Brenna goes to bed sometime between 8 and 9 as usual but for some reason she thinks that she needs to wake up at least once during the night to join her Mom and Dad in their bed. This usually happens around 1 AM, not exactly the most pleasant time of night to be so rudely awaken by the screaming of a 16 month old. It is getting better, we have been here for two weeks and it seems that Brenna is getting up less often and is not requiring that she stay in our bed all night, but we have got to get some sleep. I was told by my lovely grandmother that this could last at least a month, I hope she is wrong.

Even though Brenna is having some trouble sleeping at night she is still the biggest joy in my life, she makes me laugh at least once a day if not more. She loves to dance and sing to herself, she has this wonderful little song that she sings over and over again, I just wish I new the words. Brenna is just filled with the love of Jesus and spreads it wherever she goes. Her favorite thing to do when we are out is to smile at strangers and say HI, I just love this, there is nothing like the smile of a toddler to make someones day. I just pray that this joy in her heart continues throughout her life, and that she always wants to make someone else smile.

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