Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sick Baby, once again

Today was Brenna's 15 month checkup, this should have been a quick trip to the doctor to get weighed, measured and have a few shots, wrong! I picked Brenna up from Grandma Becky's at around 2 pm, she was napping at the time so I had no way of knowing that she wasn't feeling well. We got the doctor's office and let the receptionist know we were there and Brenna throws up on me, right there in the waiting room. We go to the bathroom to get cleaned up and of course now Brenna feels a little better so she runs around the waiting room like she has no care in the world. We finally make it back to the exam room and get a height and weight check, yeah Brenna has finally reached 2o lbs, 2o lbs 5 oz to be exact and she is now 31 3/4 inches tall. The nurse then proceeds to take her temp, 102.3, great just what we needed another virus. Brenna got to have her blood taken which is a lot more traumatic than getting shots. Since she had a fever she couldn't get her shots, so now we have to go back next week for shots. On top of it all Brenna threw up on her mama again as we were leaving the doctors office. It was one of those crowning moments of motherhood, when you want to cry or throw up yourself, but instead you go to the bathroom, clean yourself up and get on with your day. I do have to say she is feeling a little better tonight and I kind of like the cuddly girl I get when she is not feeling so well, cuz usually she is running around non-stop and it is nice to just slow down.

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