Thursday, March 19, 2009

Brenna is 2!

I can't believe that little Miss Brenna is already 2. Time sure flies by, it seems like just yesterday she was just as little as Jacob and we were getting up in the night with her. Now she sleeps through the night and talks our ears off.
Here are the top ten things Miss Brenna loves to do.

1. Watch cartoons on the Disney Channel
2. Play outside
3. Blow bubbles
4. Play with Grandpa
5. Swing
6. Hug her Mommy
7. Pretend to cook
8. Take a bath
9. Read books
10. See her Daddy when he gets home from work.

Brenna is our little miracle and I thank God everyday that we were chosen to be her parents. She always has a bright smile and a big attitude that can always brighten your day. I can't imagine this world with out Miss Brenna. I Love You!

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