Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Funny little Brenna

We had such a silly day today. I decided to get out the mirror that Brenna used to use when she laid on the floor as a baby, for Jacob to admire his handsome self. Well Miss Brenna thought that it was absolutely hilarious that she could see Jacob in the mirror, not realizing that she could also see herself in the mirror ( I guess she hasn't quite figured that one out yet), so when she moved the mirror away from Jacob she kept trying to look for him in it. This was very cute and if my video camera would have had charged batteries I would have taped this. It is too bad that I don't just have a video camera taping our every move. On that note, why don't they do any television shows about the normal typical stay-at-home mom, with only two kids and a dog. I know that people with multiples are more interesting, but come on if you spent a day at my house you would be thoroughly entertained (mostly by me getting frustrated with my children cuz I can't do it all at once). Anyways, the next time we get the mirror out for Jacob I will be sure to have the camera running.

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