Saturday, May 23, 2009

News From the Frontlines

Well, haven't updated for awhile so here is what is new at our house.

  • Brenna is now talking up a storm. There is almost nothing she can't say once she hears you say it.
  • Jacob has started rolling over, you can't keep him on his back, he just rolls back to his tummy and then gets mad because he doesn't particularly like to lay on his tummy.
  • Brenna has begun to enjoy helping Mommy with everything from cooking to cleaning.
  • Potty training is at a stand still, Brenna doesn't even care when she goes to the bathroom in her diaper, so I am not going to push the issue again for awhile. She is also once again refusing to sit on her potty chair. Oh well hopefully we figure this out before she goes to college. Ha Ha!
  • Jacob has become the boy that hates to nap, he will fight falling asleep for hours until his swing finally lulls him off.
  • Morgan has finished planting for this year, unless there is any replanting to do. Although that means it is just the beginning of being busy, there is still cultivating, ridging and male row clipping (for seed corn) as well as hauling pipe and irrigating all summer.
  • I have become a walk-aholic, yeah for me. I have been walking at least five days a week and can't get enough, it is almost better than nap time at our house. When we are out walking both kids are quiet and I can hear myself think. Not only is it good for my body, it is good for my mind and my sanity. It has also helped me to get the rest of Jake's baby weight off and within 5 lbs of the weight that was left after having Brenna before getting pregnant with Jake. Yeah!!!

Not much else is going on around here, we are getting ready to seed our front yard, I can't wait. And hopefully we will be going to the Henry Doorly Zoo next week, can't wait.

1 comment:

Brooke Wheeler said...

Glad to know we're not the only ones that are at a stand still with potty training :)! We were off to a good start and now he acts like his potty chair will bite him if he sits down, haha! I'll go with you and make college my new goal :)!