Wednesday, October 21, 2009

God's Plans vs. My Plans

I have been thinking a lot today about where I wanted to be at this point in my life 7 or 8 years ago when I was graduating from high school. At that time in my life I knew Jesus Christ and had accepted him as my savior during my early childhood years, but I didn't know what a true relationship with him was. The day I graduated from high school my plans for my life were very much different from where I am today. I had planned to attend college far from home, in reality I went to college only 30 minutes from home. I planned to major in pre-med, then pre-physical therapy once I realized that it was going to be very difficult for a party girl to get good enough grades to get into medical school. After two years being in the pre-physical therapy program, I realized that that too was going to be a difficult road ahead if I wanted to keep up the partying. I was lost, I had no direction of what I wanted to do so I took a year off from school. During my year off I met my husband. Who would have thought, the girl that never thought about getting married, just serial dating, would meet such a great guy at the age of 20. I had not been to church or worshiped God corporately since I was 12, long story as to why,(it has something to do with my mom getting remarried). We dated for about 4 months and decided this was it, we were meant for each other and we got engaged. After our engagement we began attending church together (this is when I recommitted myself to Christ). I never thought I would get married, we were married about 16 months after we started dating. Wow! I started back to school the summer before we got married and decided on accounting as my major, I always liked in high school and thought everyone needs an accountant, right?
I never thought I would have kids, after a year of marriage my husband and I decided to try the "not trying, but trying to conceive" method. We thought that if it took awhile for us to get pregnant we wouldn't be putting too much pressure on ourselves to get pregnant fast, considering I was not done with school at the time. Low and behold it only took us one time of this method to conceive and 2 months after our 2nd anniversary our beautiful daughter was born. Around our daughters first birthday we started talking about more kids, once again just talking about another one and voila we were pregnant again. Our son was born 1 month after our 4th anniversary. And here we are today, me a stay at home mother of 2, who would have thunk it. I guess God did! God has far greater plans for my life than I ever knew were possible!


Nicole said...

Hey there, I found your blog from Mckmama's forum. Isn't it cool how God's plan is always so much better than we could ever imagine!?! =)

Anonymous said...

I think it's great that things have worked out for you in God's Glory but it's a little discouraging to those who struggle to get their blessings...could you include some encouragement next time! Thanks..God Bless You!!

Twincerely,Olga said...

what a beautiful post! Please stop by