Monday, February 1, 2010

Party Like a Rockstar!

Okay, so we didn't really party like rockstars, unless there is a 1 year old rockstar out there, in this case it would be my son Jacob! Although his birthday is not until tomorrow, we celebrated yesterday a bit early with his official party! We had family and a few friends gather at our local community center for the big party. We decorated in red, orange, blue and green, using napkins and plates that I found online for our inspiration. It was a wonderful time eating lunch together and watching Jake watch me open his presents, ha! The only pictures I got of him were when he was eating cake, and I took no pictures of our decorations or his big birthday cake (don't ask me why I forgot, I just got caught up in everything and I am not a huge picture taker anyways). We enjoyed lunch of roast beef sandwiches, cheesy crock pot potatoes (my hubby's fave), a broccoli salad (my fave), fruit salad and a veggie tray. A simple meal with friends and family, who could ask for a better day, and we had two extremely tired kids afterward, but both stayed in wonderful moods throughout the day, no one had a meltdown (not even me)! Jake mostly got clothing as gifts, which was perfect because he is quickly growing out of his clothes. We got a wagon for Jacob for his birthday, but mostly Brenna plays in it with all of her toys (go figure, what's Jake's is Brenna's and what's Brenna's is Brenna's). Today they have both been enjoying the wagon indoors, its a little chilly out today. I hope you enjoy the picture of the Birthday Boy eating cake and playing with his sister in the wagon. I will be posting his one year update tomorrow, so stay tuned!

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