Tuesday, March 9, 2010


This year I began reading my One Year Bible again, and I am so glad that I have. As I read through the Old Testament I am reminded of how thankful I am that God sent his son, Jesus, as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. All of the many rituals, sacrifices and laws that were to be followed during Old Testament times makes my head spin, there were so many that I have no idea how any of the Israelites kept a single one. I know that many of the laws we still follow today such as the Ten Commandments, but I am so thankful that I don't have to go out to my flocks and find a male ram without defect to sacrifice, or make a grain offering or that I don't have to go through a priest to talk to God and ask for forgiveness. I am just so thankful that Jesus covers all of my sins and He can cover yours too if you accept him as your Savior.

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