Saturday, January 2, 2010

30 Day Shred is Over, for Now!

Today I completed the last day of the 30 Day Shred, while I didn't get exactly the results I wanted, I got results. To me the before and after pictures don't look that much different, but my body feels different (more toned) and my clothes fit better. I didn't officially lose a pant size, but with a little more work I think I could get there, my jeans are looser and look better on my body. I only started taking my measurements on day 12, (kept forgetting to buy a tape measure, Ha!) so I lost about 4 lbs total, and from day 12 to day 30 I lost:
  • Bust: - 1 inch
  • Waist: - 1 inch
  • Hips: - 1 inch

So if I would have started my measurements at the beginning I am sure the loss would look much better. I would have also gotten better results if the Holidays hadn't fallen in the middle of this and I didn't have a deep love for all things sweet and chocolatey. I will be starting some other videos of Jillian Michael's and then might come back to the Shred. Hopefully, I am on my way to a life long love of excercise, too bad excercise doesn't taste like chocolate!


Unknown said...

Hey Tara CONGRATS! i can see a difference!

This workout takes a lot of will power to get it done DAILY!! but you are in already and now only greatness is ahead..

What workout you doing next... Let me suggest you don't stop now while your at it, it's hard to get back to it..

Pixel Perfect said...

You look great! Congratulations on the weight loss!


Kindra said...

Congrats. I know you don't know who I am, but I do read your blog often. I am friends with Anna and her sister, Amber and went to highschool with Morgan. I wanted to share on other Jillian workouts that I tried and found a book of hers that has workouts and meal plans for 30 days. It is called Making the Cut. It will kick your bottom so be prepared, but the results are awesome. Good luck!

Jamie H said...

Congrats! I'm glad to see some realistic results!