Friday, December 25, 2009

Day 20 of 30 Day Shred

Well on the 23rd was day 20 for me. There are no real changes in weight or measurements and my before and after pictures are not showing the change that I am noticing when I put on my jeans. That all being said, I feel stronger than ever before. I have realized that this is a great program for someone that is less than 10 lbs overweight, if you only had a few pounds to lose you would see great results, unlike me who is at least 30 lbs overweight it is difficult to see the results even though I can feel the muscles that I never had before. Hopefully by the end I will at least see the change a little more. I know that the results would be better too if I would eat a little bit better, I did really good at the beginning and then the holidays crept in, Ha!

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