Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Thank You

Today I took the kids out to their Grandma's (my hubby's Mom) house to visit and eat some lunch. While we were there we got into a discussion about thanking people for what they do. My mother-in-law serves faithfully at our church in many different capacities, her biggest being one of the women that cooks meals for special events. She was telling me how on Easter morning they were serving breakfast and that hardly anyone told her and the other women thank you. As I look back on that morning, I am not so sure that I said thank you. Now I am normally a kind person and I have worked in the food service field prior to graduating from college and becoming a Mommy and I definitely know the power of a thank you. So I would like to take a moment to tell all the wonderful women of Holcomb EFC that served Easter breakfast, "THANK YOU so much for all you do"!

After talking with my mother-in-law I decided that we don't say thank you enough. Do you know how nice it would feel if every night my husband and I thanked each other for what each of us does for our family, and how much better our lives would be if we simply said thank you. I think we sometimes take our spouses for granted and don't realize how hard each of us works throughout the day. My work as a stay at home mommy may not bring in any extra income, but it sure is hard work and it seems to make our whole house run a little smoother. And I know that my husband, as a farmer, puts in hours and hard work that I can't even imagine, but he does this for the good of our home and to make it possible for me to stay home with our children.
THANK YOU Morgan for all you do for our family!

And one last thank you, which probably should have been first, THANK YOU God for all you have given to me, my children, my family, my friends and a wonderful home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow....this entry touched my heart because I am so guilty of not saying thank you to Kelly ....I'll work on that!!

It is a little discouraging when you put a lot of work and effort into something for church and not get any thank yous for it.....not that I deserve any but it is a great reminder. THANK YOU!!!