Friday, April 17, 2009

The Best Grandpa in the Whole Wide World

I never talk about one of the greatest men I know, so today I thought I would tell you about my children's one and only Grandpa Alan. He is the epitomy of a Godly man, he doesn't flaunt it, but you know that he totally puts his life in God's hands. He is so full of wisdom, sometimes I wish my husband would listen and learn a little bit more from his father, but I guess Morgan sometimes thinks he knows better. Alan is a great husband to Becky, he treats her with the greatest respect at least from what I can see and he has been a wonderful father to Morgan, but most of all I could not ask for a better grandpa for my children. When Alan is with our children he totally and completely dotes on them. He a Brenna play hard and giggle all the time. He a Jacob right now have little talks, since Jacob can really only listen to his Grandpa and give him smiles and coos. And when we dedicated both of our children Alan prayed for each of them the most touching thing I have ever seen him do, and I hope he knows how much those prayers meant to me. Thank you Alan for being such a wonderful Grandpa and a great man for my children to look up to. Above are some pictures of Grandpa Alan with Brenna and Jacob.

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